
Home / Research

The Hauck Research Archives

The Hauck Research Archives is a non-circulating repository for Lebanon County history and genealogy where you can research our extensive collection of various books and original sources. Archivists and volunteers are available to retrieve sources and assist your research. You can browse the items in our collection via our online database. Please note that there is an $8 fee to access the library and archives. Staff and volunteers can directly research your genealogy or local history questions for you for an hourly fee; please use our our Research Request Form for such inquiries.


  • Business records
  • Local government records (please note that some records remain with their original creators)
  • Church histories, records, and cemetery surveys
  • Newspapers and publications on microfilm
  • Historical maps and city business directories
  • County marriage records on microfilm from 1886 through 1949
  • Several hundred compiled family histories
  • High school yearbooks
  • Military records from local veterans and units
  • A variety of manuscripts, documents, photographs, and postcards
  • Audio recordings of interviews, sermons, band and chorus concerts

Frequently Asked Questions

The Lebanon County Historical Society is proud to offer research services for a prepaid fee. Our professional staff and skilled volunteers will conduct thorough research utilizing our library, genealogical and archival collections to best satisfy your inquiry. We endeavor to complete research as quickly as possible, but depending on the volume of requests and limited staff time, requests may take up to 4 to 8 weeks to process and conclude.


Fill out the Research Request Form.

Please be specific in providing the information to assist the research. Family history inquiries should include (when possible) names, dates, locations, religious affiliations, and the resources you have previously consulted.

Mail/email the completed form with your payment. Requests submitted without payment will not be answered.

Once the LCHS staff has completed your request, you will be contacted with the conclusion of your request, via your preferred method.

LCHS cannot guarantee results or answers, as we may not have access to particular information or it may no longer exist. However, the staff will document all sources consulted and, if applicable, direct you toward other sources and repositories that may further assist your research. Research is only completed using the contents and resources of the Hauck Memorial Library and Archives; no off-site research will be completed (going to the court house, visiting family graves, etc.)


Attention: Every method of providing the conclusion to a request (email, posted mail, and phone) is charged the same.

Requests are charged hourly:

Non-members: $25 per hour

Members: $20 per hour

**2 hour minimum per request**

*Pricing includes postage*

Payment can be made via check (made out to LCHS) by mail, online, in person, or over the phone (717-272-1473)


Questions regarding Research by Mail: Please email

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If you are interested in tracking the history of a certain property, we strongly urge you to start by tracing back your deed in the Lebanon County Recorder of Deeds office:

A comprehensive history of homes in Lebanon County does not exist, nor do we have a comprehensive collection of photos on all homes. However, photos of houses and buildings that belonged to prominent individuals or that housed prominent businesses can often be found. We also have a comprehensive collection of Lebanon City cross-reference directories that will often include the names of owners or tenants (not all outlying areas are covered in these books). We provide access to, which sometimes can provide quick answers on ownership and building history.

LCHS volunteers can conduct in-depth land/property research for a minimum of ten (10) research hours per request (paid in advance) and additional hours will be billed as necessary.

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Staff or volunteers are always on duty to assist with genealogy research. The following genealogy websites may also be helpful for local research. The links are provided as a public service. The Society makes no claim to the validity of the information they contain, nor should inclusion on this list be interpreted as an endorsement by the Society. The GenWeb sites contain a variety of data submitted by users, as well as instructional documents and links to related sites. The largest collection of user-submitted genealogy data is RootsWeb’s World Connect Project, so you might want to jump-start your research with their Global Search tool.

Lebanon County Genealogy

Pennsylvania Genealogy

Family Genealogies

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All researchers under 16 years of age must be accompanied by a parent or guardian in the library.

The archivist will handle all archival materials, including turning pages.

Children under 6 years of age are not permitted in the library.

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Photography and Copies are subject to the following restrictions and fees:

$.50 per copy or image

Copies or photos of materials are permitted at the archivist’s discretion, dependent upon age, fragility, and rarity. Extra fees may apply.

Photocopying must be performed by the archivist and cell phone photography must be overseen by archivist.

Personal/outside scanners that may come into contact with any materials are strictly prohibited.

Copyright and Fair Use Guidelines

The copying of secondary sources (books and papers by named authors) is limited to whichever is greater:

10% or one (1) chapter of any particular work.

Remote Scans

600 dpi resolution scan, subject to above Copyright and Fair Use Restrictions.


Prices may vary depending on material condition and archivist discretion.

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The Hauck Research Archives is not a lending library. The Historical Society does offer some books for sale in person or by mail. See the Publications page to see a list of LCHS publications. See the Gift Shop page for a partial list of other books of local interest. The Society also offers a unique collection of used, de-accessioned historic books and yearbooks for purchase.

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Sites of Local Interest

Our Friends and Neighbors

Local Genealogy

The following genealogy websites may be helpful for local research. The links are provided as a public service. The Society makes no claim to the validity of the information they contain, nor should inclusion on this list be interpreted as an endorsement by the Society. The GenWeb sites contain a variey of data submitted by users, as well as instructional documents and links to related sites. The largest collection of user-submitted genealogy data is RootsWeb’s World Connect Project, so you might want to jump-start your research with their Global Search tool.

Lebanon County Genealogy

Pennsylvania Genealogy

Family Genealogies

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Research Hours

Tuesday 10am-5pm

Wednesday 10am-5pm

Thursday 10am-5pm

Friday 10am-5pm

Saturday 10am-5pm

Hours of operation are subject to change. Unfortunately, we cannot admit new researchers after 4 PM. Appointments for research are not required but we encourage doing so for large projects so we may have your materials ready for you upon your arrival.

Please note that the Society building is not handicap-accessible due to the age of the building. We regret any inconvenience this may cause. Street, metered parking is available in front of the Society building, and free-two hour parking is available at the Farmer’s Market parking lot off of 9th Street and Cumberland.

Related Fees

Research Requests: $25/h, Members $20/h     (2 hour minimum)                                   Please submit a Research Request Form

Floor Research: $8/day, College Students $5/day, Members Free

Copies: $.50 each
Microfilm Copies: $.50 each

Scans, 600 dpi resolution, : $10-$25 each

Cellphone Photography, $.50/image

(If paying via check, please make payable to Lebanon County Historical Society)

Library/Archives Policies

  • Patrons must register, sign an acknowledgement of our policies, and pay any relevant fees (per person) prior to entering the archive.
  • For the security and preservation of our collection, no bags (including purses) or outerwear (coats and jackets) are allowed in the archive. Patrons must place all bags and coats in the provided lockers before entering the archive.
  • No food or drink is permitted in the archive. You may keep food and drink in the provided lockers outside the archive.
  • No pens are permitted in the archive. Pencils and paper are provided at the reading tables for your convenience.
  • Laptops, computers, cell phones, tablets, chargers, loose paper, and notebooks that are open on three sides are allowed in the archive.
  • We are a non-circulating archive and library. No materials may be checked out. Everything must stay in the archive.
  • Please silence your cell-phone. If you need to take a call, leave the archive out of respect for our other researchers.
  • Patrons must follow all copying fees and restrictions. Patrons are responsible for their compliance with copyright law.
  • Follow all instructions from staff when handling original archival documents and photos.
  • When finished, please place books on a book cart or leave them on the reading tables to ensure that we can track the use of our materials. Do not reshelve books yourself.

Did you know?

The Hauck Research Archives is named in honor of Mrs. Sarah Embich Hauck (1842 – 1934), who so graciously provided posthumously our Historical Society with its first wholly-owned facility at Sixth and Walnut Streets.


Monetary Donations

We appreciate donations in any amount. The Lebanon County Historical Society Incorporated is registered as a charitable organization with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. A copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll-free within Pennsylvania, 800-732-0999.

Monetary Donations: visit our Donation Page

Archival Donations

Think you have something that belongs in our collection? We would be happy to correspond or talk with you about any donations you are interested in making. Please use the email addresses below or give us a call at 717-272-1473. All accepted donations must be accompanied by a Custody and Deed of Gift Form. Click the link below to view and print the form.

Artifacts (clothing, tools, etc.): email
Archives (paper and pictures): email

Custody and Deed of Gift Form

Please do not bring artifacts or archival material to the historical society or mail items without contacting us first. Unsolicited donations mailed or dropped off at the museum will not be accepted and the owner will be responsible for the removal of the items. All donations must be reviewed to determine appropriateness to our collection.  In general, items must be related to Lebanon County history, be in good condition, and not duplicate our current holdings. We do not offer appraisals.